Pity, fear, disappointment, need for approval and going from scrawny to brawny

I'm going to start this post by immediately jumping into negativity mode, so be prepared.

There are many people, especially girls, who get into shape, compete, then immediately after the competition get as fat as a pig and wonder why they're feeling depressed. Then they blog about it and announce to the world that they are depressed.

My take on it is, they want and need approval, they don't want pity, but that will do too if nothing else gives. They fear disapproval and rejection and they feel disappointed at themselves for not looking as fit as they used to for the competition.


Well, that was that for the negativity and no one asked for my opinion, but that's why I'm going to give it anyway, because I want to.

No, but seriously though. It's OK to be a lazy fcuk every once in a while. Because laziness isn't bad. It's only bad if there's too much of it. Just like everything else.

Don't feel bad. Don't despair. But having said that, please, also do something about it. There's no point fishing for pity and approval because they're not going to melt that extra fat off you no matter how many likes you get on social media outlets. (Unless you make it a point that for every like you get you do 5 minutes of cardio ;)

Somebody wiser than me once said something like "pity and fear are vital parts of our humanity" and I would like to continue that notion and add that it's also an opportunity. So grab that opportunity and make the best of it.

Maybe this will motivate

Now that I got that out of the way, I'll write about myself :)

Somebody asked me to write about how I got from being scrawny to brawny...

I started training and eating more optimally for muscle growth.

I've always been sporty and I've been blessed with good genes. My metabolism is nice and fast, so I don't accumulate fat very easily. And I'm pretty short, 158cm, so when I gain muscle, it shows more readily.

I've always had a thing with my arms where I didn't like them to hang about on my body... they've always been too thin for my liking, but I never thought of doing anything to them at the gym, because that would have meant exposing my weakness. I don't know what I was thinking. I was young and irrational.

Now I'm just irrational :)

I started working seriously on my arms for the first time in 2009 in the military because I got bored of doing everything else everyday during our free time at the base.

Because my hobbies were mostly lower body oriented my arms never really got the activation my lower body got and thus react a little slower to muscle gain. That's why I have to concentrate on my upper body so much more than my lower body.

Of course I'm always happy when people notice my arms nowadays because I'm more or less proud of what I have achieved, but nonetheless, I'm still waiting for the satisfaction to kick in. I want bigger arms. I'm going to take it overboard, at least in many people's opinions.

Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything crazy... Just train them like crazy in every possible way to stimulate them to grow and not get used to the training methods.

Same going for the delts.

One day, I will have monster delts! :)

2003 - You may not think much of it, but for me to post this here for everyone to see is a little iffy... But these were my arms before and I used to think of them as wiggling spaghettis that dangled with me everywhere I went. I especially hated going dancing with them coz I'd never know where to put them or what to do with them.

2015 - This was taken late January of this year. As you can see, the hard work has paid off but the road is long and there is still work to be done.



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