Delts and important people

I've started concentrating even more on my delts nowadays, especially the side and rear delts. They've been the weaker parts and we realized a while back that I had been training them all wrong. And good thing my hubby realized how I was training it was pumping my front delts more than anything else. So we corrected it and now it's so much nicer to train the delts knowing that they're being trained right. Only thing is that my trapz and upper back get super jammed, so I have to concentrate more on the stretching and recovery.


On a different note, as you may or may not know, I'm not a big fan of back workouts. I don't know why, I can't explain it.

Recently my back routine had started to really get boring. I mean even more boring, so I asked my hubby what he suggests I try out. He gave me a few new moves and they've been fun and effective to do, so nowadays I even look forward to back workouts! My hubby works wonders! <3

Nowadays I even look forward to back workouts which is a nice change. I do quite a lot of reps and super sets with 4-6 different exercises and with that I hope to build a better and bigger back.

I've also changed something in my back routine that I never really thought of doing. I do pullups with weights. I only put 10kg on and can only do 5 pullups per set (I do 3-4 sets). But it's a good start to get used to the extra weights. I'm liking it!

On the subject of important people, I was writing something a few weeks ago about my fitness madness and wanted to mention some of the important people who have influenced me in this area. First and foremost, my family. They are the base for my consistency in this. I have been taught to eat right and regularly. I have been encouraged to be active, both sports-wise and in general. I have been taught that failing is OK as long as you get up and learn from it, improve it and do it until you succeed. I've been taught that nothing comes easy, for free or fast, so I've had to work for the results I've wanted throughout my life be it in sports, education or career. These, amongst other things, are the lessons that have stuck with me throughout my life since childhood, but when it comes to this specific sports, bodybuilding, I have my husband to thank!

My hubby is that one that made me want to be bigger, stronger and better. Even before we knew each other, I'd try to avoid going to the gym at the same time as him. Why?!

Because he was bigger and stronger.

But he's a man. It doesn't matter, he was bigger and stronger and I thought he'd look at me and think, "oh wow, what a stick insect with spaghetti arms.." and so on.. I was pretty confident about my legs, they've had good training since forever, but I really didn't like my arms and felt insecure about them.

Whenever I went to the gym, I'd workout normally if he wasn't there, but if he was, I'd do extra reps and throw in some extra sets and try heavier weights.

Ever since we got together, we became each others' gym buddies and we're still that way. Going to the gym without him is just weird, except when I go without him for the morning sessions.

He gives me direct feedback, he takes progress photos, he pushes me to my limits and beyond, he takes care of some of the food we eat and makes sure we both get enough protein... Of course I do my share as well and I think the best thing about us is that we are a team. We're a good team!

Today, I'm off to Canada for a couple of weeks to visit my family. I'll be working out, not as much as usual, but can't stay out of the gym for two whole weeks. God no! But I think I'll be doing a whole lot more cardio as I will have a little 2-year-old nephew to run after! <3 He'll be my cardio coach! ;) And where we live is next to a couple of really gorgeous forests with really nice trails. So I think I'll spend some time there too. But most of all, what I'm looking forward to, apart from seeing my family, is eating! Can't wait to eat all the yummy foods my parents will be cooking.

I'm expecting my next blog post to be mostly photos of foods I ate in Canada.


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