I will never understand

It's been a while, but I thought that maybe from now on I'll write shorter posts and more frequently.

Today's topic is about what I don't understand: gaining experience.

I understand full well that it's good to gain experience from competing. What I don't understand is to take part in a competition after a half-ass job only in order to gain the experience.

But then again, I'm a competitive person, I don't take part in competitions just to take part or only to gain experience. I go there to win. That's my primary goal, it's a side-effect of that that I gain experience.

To me, that sounds only like an excuse. And I'm not very good with excuses. I understand why we make excuses, but I also believe that we should try our very best to rid ourselves of the burden of having to explain to others why things didn't work out the way we wanted. They don't always work out, that's a natural fact, but to try to cover it up with some cheap excuses just downplays the effort put into the training and preparation. And I'm sure everyone who trains to compete puts the effort in it. Some times that effort is either not enough or there are other things involved that are too complicated to get into now.


Another thing I don't understand is why one has to eat way over the calorie need and turn into a Michelin-man just to "gain more muscle" .. sorry, that doesn't register with me. I understand that one must eat at a calorie surplus to gain muscle optimally, but a 100 calorie surplus is still a surplus and is very very different than a 500-1000 calorie surplus.

Many people have tried to explain why they do this, and in all honesty, you can do whatever you want, but I just won't understand it. It's a totally different story if one just says that "well, I love eating anything I want just for the sake of eating and now that I have no goals, I will eat whatever I want". This, I can understand. But to hide behind an excuse of HAVING to eat so much more than the body needs is something beyond me. And I do dare to say, even though I've never competed in bodybuilding, that when you yoyo the weight so much, the competition prep becomes more challenging, especially with water retention. But that's just my opinion and it's only based on the many many competitors I have watched nearby who do this and wonder why they always finish last.

So that concludes that.

And now for something not so different.

My 8-week diet starts from tomorrow.

Just because.

I don't need to diet, I am not taking part in any competitions. But I figured now is as good a time as any to go on a 6-pack diet. By which I mean that starting from tomorrow and finishing on my birthday party day, I will diet to get my 6-pack to show more clearly.

The reason I want to do this is because I want to know what my body reacts to best so that when I do go to compete, I will know the nooks and crannies of my body and diet and their correlation. At the moment I feel like I don't know how my body reacts to this kind of prep.

I won't be changing my diet too much, just tweaks here and there. I'll be adding some cardio at some point.

Later today I will take some photos for comparison.

Let's see how this goes :)


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