For the first time in a looooooong time, I decided to go for a morning walk before breakfast. Right after waking up, I put on my clothes and went for a half an hour walk. It's a sunny morning and it was really nice to walk.
Half way on the walk, my legs started itching like crazy! That was annoying, but it's a good thing ... blood still flows to my legs :) I've got crappy sports shoes because the good Asics shoes I had were worn out. But actually, that's not the reason I don't have them anymore. The reason is that last year while I was traveling, on my way back to Finland I had too much on my carry-on luggage and had to get rid of 3 kg in order to avoid paying 50 euros per kg for extra baggage. So I wore EVERYTHING I could fit one of top of another. And when I say everything I could, I really mean everything I possibly could fit on. I put on 3 bras and my bikini. 5 underwear, 3 tube dresses on top of each other, on top of them, I put 3 tops and 2 sweaters and my coat. I wore two of my shorts and two of my pants on top of each other and 5 socks and my boots. I had 3 scarves which I put on and then I was set to go. Looking like a right dorky Michelin man I walked up to the counter and gave my baggage and I STILL HAD TOO MUCH... so I took out my Asics and the lady behind the counter told me that without the Asics, the baggage would go through... so... that was the end of my Asics.
Even though they were worn out and old ... I still feel like I would have liked to have saved them from that fate. I had started my running with them. For a couple three years I went running with them 3 times a week. One year of sprint training and two years of training for the marathon I never took part in. Good times!
I think I've always been into sports and never really needed much of a motivator to keep going ... But nonetheless, it's always nice to get a boost. So what I sometimes do is accept challenges, insane or half insane, it doesn't matter, it keeps things interesting and it activates the body in a different way.
Here are some of the challenges I've accepted and faithfully completed.
I did this for 1,5 months and then I caught the flu, so I stopped all training and stopped this as well. It was fun though. all in all I trained 4 times a week during this challenge, so that would mean I did 2400 situps all in all.
This is what I did for 1.5 years. I was living in Germany at the time and working long shifts and had odd-houred-days. So I decided I needed somethings to activate me in the morning to get moving and be more energetic. So I rolled off the bed and landed on my back and decided to do sit-ups and I got so excited I did 10 pushups right afterwards and promised I'd do this every morning. So each morning I'd roll off the bed and depending on whether I'd land on my back or belly, I did either situps or pushups first and then the other right afterwards. Perhaps I should mention that my bed was on the ground so I didn't actually drop from half a meter onto the floor :) I stopped this sometime during my military service when there just wasn't enough time in the morning to do it.
This is what I did one holiday when we were in Germany with the whole family. I was feeling energetic and didn't know what to do, so I just started doing situps... and somewhere along the line I decided to do as many as I could... Because I was counting and still felt like I had energy, I kept going. After a while it turned into a competition with myself. I went up to 30 and thought I could still do 10 more. It just went on and on and I'd take half a minute breaks in between to catch my breath, but kept going. I think I must have done something like 200 and then decided that HEY, I CAN DO 1000 !! So I did... the next day it wasn't too much fun coz I just couldn't even stand up properly or laugh... but it was a nice challenge. I'd do it again any day. In fact, maybe I'll do it this week at the gym after whichever training day that leaves me with enough time.
Half way on the walk, my legs started itching like crazy! That was annoying, but it's a good thing ... blood still flows to my legs :) I've got crappy sports shoes because the good Asics shoes I had were worn out. But actually, that's not the reason I don't have them anymore. The reason is that last year while I was traveling, on my way back to Finland I had too much on my carry-on luggage and had to get rid of 3 kg in order to avoid paying 50 euros per kg for extra baggage. So I wore EVERYTHING I could fit one of top of another. And when I say everything I could, I really mean everything I possibly could fit on. I put on 3 bras and my bikini. 5 underwear, 3 tube dresses on top of each other, on top of them, I put 3 tops and 2 sweaters and my coat. I wore two of my shorts and two of my pants on top of each other and 5 socks and my boots. I had 3 scarves which I put on and then I was set to go. Looking like a right dorky Michelin man I walked up to the counter and gave my baggage and I STILL HAD TOO MUCH... so I took out my Asics and the lady behind the counter told me that without the Asics, the baggage would go through... so... that was the end of my Asics.
Even though they were worn out and old ... I still feel like I would have liked to have saved them from that fate. I had started my running with them. For a couple three years I went running with them 3 times a week. One year of sprint training and two years of training for the marathon I never took part in. Good times!
I think I've always been into sports and never really needed much of a motivator to keep going ... But nonetheless, it's always nice to get a boost. So what I sometimes do is accept challenges, insane or half insane, it doesn't matter, it keeps things interesting and it activates the body in a different way.
Here are some of the challenges I've accepted and faithfully completed.